Most asked questions

about our life in the van.

Finances, hygiene, fears.

Our answers
vanilla icedreamteam
3 weirdos on 5m²

Full-time in a Campervan

In the beginning of 2017 the vanilla adventure started. Together with my dog, I wanted to go for a longer travel. The Van seemed to be the best option so I started in my new life chapter without camping experience and building knowledge. The experience to travel alone as a woman changed my life.
On the road we fell in love with Antonio. On that little space we got to know each other quickly. There is no space left for secrets or embarrasement so we found out fast that we want to travel together from now on.

Packinglist for the perfect roadtrip

incl. vanhacks

Roadtrip packinglist
vanilla icedream Logo Fuß, Pfote, Rad

get to know us

Vehicle details